Hanging out on Apollo's stream during Proleague
Desrow: "What do you do on Deadalus."

BabyKnight: "I lose."
Guilty pleasure - on twitter
There's no bigger guilty pleasure satisfaction than being AFK the first minute, and then Cannon Rush a 15hatch in PvZ and win anyway.
On balance whining - GosuGamers interview
There are lots of other good Protosses in Europe, but most of them can't help but whine about balance all the time. I think that hurts their ability to reach their full potential.
A tip for Zerg players from BabyK - on twitter
Here's a tip for all you Zerg players out there: you can run away when Void Rays use Prismatic Alignment.
BabyK spreads some positivity on twitter
As easy as it is to get annoyed over possible imbalances and whatnot, I gotta say: StarCraft is a beautiful game.
BabyKnight on laddering as reported by Axeltoss
Play ladder not to win, but to learn.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa