On casting - TL interview (12m45s) at MLG Anaheim
Catz "I am not gonna fake being excited."

Hot_Bid: "Yeah but you can work on being excited..."

CatZ: "Work on being excited? Are you gonna masturbate me under the desk while I am casting?"
Korean ladder - on twitter
It doesnt happen often but when I get bm'd on korea its really funny. bi t ch your mother
Casting the GameOnGG Invitational
Is Jabba the Hutt a naked reaver?
Catz on Catz - From Meta EP5
Everyone thinks I'm crazy - couple of years down the line I see my strats that I was using two years ago and I'm like... ah, that's old!
From CatZ views on the WCS situation on reddit
[Koreans] eat and breathe SC2. Go try to eat and breathe SC2 in the US and see how fast you starve.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa