Casting HSC IX
I stopped manner muling against Protoss because I lose to DTs.
Mis-rallied SCV reaches the enemy base and turns around - casting KangHo vs Reality in the FragBite Masters
That SCV was like a Hobbit on the way to Mordor... right as it saw the gates it said: "SCREW THAT, that's pretty fucking scary" ... and went back home.
Competitive spirit - SSC
Anyone who plays games as much as we do doesn't want to lose.
From an EG blogpost
I don't play this game because it's easy, I play it because it's the best and hardest.
Busting epic quotes while streaming ladder
You can't whine about all-ins when all-ins are the shit right now. It's a risky strategy and it's paying dividends.
Unlike Widow Mines - while streaming NA ladder
A Hellbat will never turn on you, it'll be your best friend for life.
On patch 1.4.3, Inteview at MLG Winter Arena
The [ghost] nerf was far too harsh and it'll make playing against Zerg late game ridiculously hard.
On cheesing Ostogy at MLG Columbus 2012, TL interview
I was like, man, this guy knocked out Puma, and Puma is amazing, so I am gonna cheese him.
After losing to Ziktomini in the SC2WCS UK 2012 finals
I went through the whole tournament against Zerg playing greedy as hell and it finally bit me in the bum.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa