When asked about his career goal - OSL Interview Reel
I want to surpass Flash. Then maybe I will have some female fans, right?
On the use of hydras in G4 against Naniwa, Interview, GSL S3 CodeS RO8 2012
I was so ahead that I thought I could make any unit and still win so I chose hydras. (...) From now on, unless it's a special situation, I will never use hydras.
DongRaeGu wins MLG Anaheim 2012
djWHEAT: 'How does it feel to win in front of a sea of fans?'
DongRaeGu: 'Good shit!'
DongRaeGu wins MLG Spring Arena #1
Zerg is the greatest race. For the swarm!
On facing Naniwa in Ro8 GSL S3 2012, Interview
I can do whatever I want and still win [against Naniwa]. That's all I have to say.
DRG's only thought in the boot before a game, MLG Columbus 2012
Time to just kill another person.
When asked if he was best in the world, MLG Columbus 2012
You guys are correct. No one can stop me. Every player is a piece of cake.
MLG Columbus 2012, TL interview
2nd place? Never. American fans only remember 1st place.
Smack-talk at MLG 2011
You did improve Naniwa, but you are still no match for me.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa