Classic Husky
Life isn't just about winning guys, it's about trying to consistently get 2nd place if your name is Jaedong.
Casting 1v1v1v1 FFA - WCS America S2 Finals
There's only one build I've learned that you don't need a mouse or keyboard: it's the 4-gate.
Bronze League Heroes EP 31
It doesn't matter how good or bad at StarCraft you are, you should always play at least one game a day, 'cause one game a day keeps the... BM away.
Casting Minigun vs Maker - SHOUTcraft America 2013 Day1
Anytime you give Terran a bunch of new toys, they'll try it in a 1-1-1 against Protoss.
Casting SHOUTcraft America 2013 - Day1
Every valid strategy that makes your opponent lose is just that: a valid strategy.
From Bronze League Heros EP 17 (~6:55)
My favorite children's book was about a failed zergling bust.
Casting WhiteRa vs AbomB (~8:40)
Just like saving the whales man, save the Nexus is quite important.
On content diversification - Real Talk EP10
I'm definitely never gonna quit Starcraft. When I'm 50 if you meet me on the street you can hold it to me.
Casting SeleCT vs VortiX, TSL4 Qualifiers
If you have to do the same build every single time you might as well play chess.
Casting RedBull Battlegrounds (Austin)
Stephano is very good at being French.
Stimmed marines vs drones, Taeja TvZ, Mar 2012
Remember guys, don't do drugs as it does make you vulnerable to drone attacks.
SOPA Blackout, Jan 2012
I usually don't take stances on things; I tend to be pretty passive, I'm kind of a goofy guy, I just like to be happy and healthy and have fun and, you know, all of that. But when someone threatens my Internet, that's when you are going to reveal the wrath of Husky.
Classic H to the usky
Hey everyone this is H to the usky Husky here and ... whaaaaaat kind of split was that?!
One of the many Husky videos on youtube
I still love the idea of the medivac where it's like 'oh my god heal me!' and it's like 'no, we have to drop you on the ground and THEN we'll heal you'. Because that makes sense.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa