JYP's Probe annoys the mineral line of Bunny - Acer Team Story Cup, TL vs EG
Protoss Units are really good at annoying people.
Casting Kane vs. ToD in the ATC qualifier
I'm not going to kid anybody here, this game is boring as fuck.
How Protoss plays PvZ on Daedalus Point
The normal transition is proxy-gate, into being scouted, into gg.
ATC Season 2 Finals Day 2
No matter what you play, your race is always the worst.
Casting Hurricane vs First G2 - WCS Korea S3 Challenger League
You can't Protoss a Protoss, it just doesn't work.
Acer.Innovation all-kills FXOpen in GSTL
It's one thing to be confident against Terran, but it's another thing to be confident against Innovation.
Casting RoRo vs Parting G4 - WCS Korea 5th/6th place decider match
I'm so excited, if I was pregnant I would give birth right now. This game is insane, I think my water just broke.
Casting YongHwa vs Squirtle G1 - GSL Code A, Round2, Day2, Match2
Late game PvP is like the first time you have sex, it's pretty messy and it's over in a flash.
Archon toilet explained, Shine vs Jangbi G2 - GSL Code A, Round1, Day2, Match7 2012. Voted by the community as SC2 Quote of the Year 2012
Wolf: "You know what's really strange to me? Archon toilet, why isn't it called archon vortex?"

Khaldor: "It's probably because it's a pretty shitty feeling when you get caught in it."
Flash flashes Sirius with a proxy 2 rax - GSL S5 Up & Downs 2012
Welcome to the GSL Up and Downs, you've just been Flashed.
Hyun 10 pools vs JYP - GSL S5 Up & Downs 2012
He has the balls of steel, and he is not afraid to put them on the table.
Casting BboonBbong vs Gumiho G3 - GSL Code A Ro32 S4
BboongBboong is broke! He can't even afford chewing gum!
Casting aLive vs First in Code A Ro48, GSL S3 2012
Forget Girls Gone Wild this is just FnaticaLive going crazy.
Casting Maru vs Effort - GSL Code A S4 Ro48 2012
I don't believe in miracles but I believe in Maru.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa