Casting WCS America Challenger League
Two mutas will kill infinite Immortals... eventually.
MrBitter as Desrow ties it up 1-1 against King in the WCS Murrica Wildcard Qualifier
Nothing makes me happier than seeing a player dance his units and lose.
Casting Scarlett vs Vibe - RedBull BattleGrounds NYC Qualifiers
Whenever lings and banelings get close to each other it freaks me out, even if they're on the same team.
Casting Macsed vs STHack - WCS America S3 5th/6th place placement
I've seen more than a couple of angry threads on Reddit and TL about: how do I stop Blink-Stalker all-ins? Often the most upvoted comment is: you don't!
Casting WCS America S2 Ro16
MrBitter: "Drones saying: Banelings, not even once."

Rotterdam: "Well once is ok, but not twice!"
Casting Hyun vs State G3 - WCS America Challenger, Group E
My problems with ZvT start with 'Widow' and end with 'Damnit Terran!'.
We welcome our new chinese overlords to the R08 of WCS America S2
And MacSed: let there be Jim. And it was good.
Casting Naniwa vs Flash (2-1) - Group B Round 4 at MLG Dallas 2012
Flash is the BroodWar God but Naniwa, the eSports atheist, is not afraid.
Casting Taeja vs Dream at MLG Summer Arena
If TvT is a chess match, ZvZ is a chess match without taking turns.
A man with a fetish for Ohana, casting NASL S3 Grand Finals
I wouldn't mind retiring on Ohana.
NASL inside joke dominates HSC5, Jul 2012
Note: MrBitter allegedly said this on every Ohana game on NASL for a while. Rotti started making fun of him, resulting in everyone repeating it on Ohana for 4 straight days during HSC5.
Did you know that Ohana means family?
Qxc floating mins, NASL S3, Apr 2012
RotterdaM: 'Qxc, why is your money so high?'
MrBitter: 'Certainly not because hes been winning tournaments lately!'
Casting the Lone Star Clash, Mar 2012
TheGunrun has walked into the room... shit is going to start working now.
Chargelots and armed robberies, Casting IEM Kiev, Jan 2012
What if you worked in a convenience store and a guy comes in with a gun and you could warp in a zealot? He would chop his arm off man!
Idra rage-quits vs Forsen after getting nydused, Dreamhack Winter 2011
Idra right now is probably more pissed off than a midget with a yoyo.
Casting ONOG Invitational, Jan 2012
Clearly Illusion doesn't follow american foreign policy, he brings his marines home.
Casting NASL S3
Elfi's kinda like GoOdy, he brings you down to his level and beats you with experience.
Casting IEM Hanover, Mar 2012
I don't understand why SCVs don't do more damage, they have a freakin' power-drill.
Casting NASL S3, Apr 2012
Starship Troopers is actually OK, because it has boobs.
Casting Lowely (Belarus) vs Strelok - NASL S4 W9D3 - Nov 2012
Lowely's winnings alone are raising the GDP of his country.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa