TL interview (10m20s) at MLG Anaheim
Terran is the race that earns 100% of its wins.
TL interview (3m55s) at MLG Anaheim
Not everybody who tries has Apollo say: hey, I think this guy should come and cast the event. There was luck involved, but I don't think I would've been noticed if I hadn't worked for as long as I did.
Casting DH Open Summer
There's too much Dong here.
On a probe following the only drone outside of Check's cannoned baseCasting during Check vs Top - WCS America Season 2 Ro32 Group D
Whereever you go... cannons will follow.
Streaming ladder sometimes in early 2014
I don't always control my Hellions that well, but when I do Zergs drop like flies.
Stephano makes it through the second WCS EU Qualifier
Wanna save eSports? Make Nani play vs Stephano in challenger, no way on earth they don't practice enough to win the whole Region.
Nathanias playing TvZ on WayStation
This Zerg player has literally 5 years... It's like I have to issue a warrant before I can go attack him, that's how long it takes to get over there.
Casting the WCS America vs WCS Europe 3v3 showmatch
Taeja's brought a quadruple medivac drop of freedom!
Nathanias on twitter watching ProLeague - Flash vs eMotion - KT Rolster vs Samsung Galaxy Round 1 Week 2
Watching Flash is like everyone gathering around a campfire and telling a grand tale of heroism and bravery.
On twitch chat during Unfiltered #34
I played Brood War for years without even knowing there was an eSports scene, because I loved the game.
I officially support the movement to rename all survivors to 'Taejans' as Terrans continue to dwindle.
On twitter during Maru vs Dear - WCS S3 Finals
The only mech Terran needs is a widow mine in a field of probes.
On balance philosophy - reddit comment
The more buffs and less nerfs, the more interesting games we will get! Never forget that at HotS release oracles and Medivacs were imba, players got BETTER to accommodate those changes.
Casting IEM Shanghai
Templar energy is not the most renewable source of energy we've found.
Casting Taeja vs Hyun - Liquid vs Quantic, ATC Week 14
Hyun without a Roach Warren is like Batman stopped wearing a mask or something. Like he got rid of a critical part of who he is.
Casting ATC Millenium vs Acer
The counter to hellbat drops is to just not have any drones it seems.
Casting Stephano vs Jaedong G2 - DreamHack Summer 2013 Ro16
The nydus-worm is about to explode in Stephano's main, the Dong is now all over him.
Casting Tails vs Dayshi G2 - Acer Teamstory Cup Week 11, MVP vs Millenium
Nothing happened in the game so far, so Dayshi is ahead by being Terran.
Sick line casually dropped on twitter
Good players make magic happen, bad players make excuses.
Casting Clarity Gaming Pro HotS KOTH #4
It's never cheese if you're a Terran.
Audio-casting EG-TL vs Team8 - Proleague Season 2012-2013, Round 2, Week 3
The only girl in my life is the one that keeps telling me I'm supply blocked.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa