Advice from coach NesTea - RedBull eSports interview
You shouldn't be a gamer without passion, it is not just a game. You need to be ambitious and passionate with games.
The creator of the universe speaks - Inside look at Korean Starcraft 2 pro-teams P2 (~3:40)
I practiced non-stop 24 hours once. When you're in that zone you want to ride it out to the end, if you want to be the best then that's what it takes and even that is sometimes not enough. If you start procrastinating there is no question who the loser will be.
Proper smack talk before the finals, Blizzcon 2011
As all zerg players know the Terran race is a scam race. If I were to play Terran I would win championships 10 times over. If MVP played Zerg he wouldn't even get to the doorstep of the finals let alone winning a game.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa