If you have a weak bladder forget becoming a SC2 pro. Going to the bathroom during tournament games not possible.
On Meta EP20
My whole race doesn't have Force Fields ... it's really hard.
On META EP16 (EU edition)
If people understood Starcraft the same way we all do, everybody would love Starcraft 2.
On ZvZ - streaming ladder
ZvZ is a game of being focused 100% of the time and it's hard to be 100% focused all the time.
Balance utopia - LiquidRet on twitter
Maybe balance is a utopia we can never fully reach with 3 races so diverse.
On skill vs will at the pro-level - Team Acer Grilled interview (~44:35)
Whatever it is, there is something more than skill to this game.
Grubby wins #SC2WCS Netherlands over Ret
I've lost to his build 6 times and it just happened again. I am getting a little desperate at this point.
On PvZ while streaming ladder, Mar 2012
I'm gonna try to go Muta this game. I'm getting bored of winning with only roaches.
Trolling Grubby on Team Liquid
Bitches know me, I'm Jos 'LiquidRet' de Kroon. I drink, smoke and don't exercise.
Interview at Home Story Cup IV, Jan 2012
No more beer. I am more professional than I used to be.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa