A very tired Rotti at IEM
I have a feeling, and when I have a feeling, sometimes I'm right. I'm usually not. Most of the time I'm wrong. I've made a career out of being wrong. It's awesome.
Casting NA Qualifier #1 for RedBull Battlegrounds Santa Monica
State has a 100% win record when he pulls his Probes, let's see if he can make it 200%.
Casting WCS America Season 2 Ro32 Group C
Up next it's another USA vs Korea series, it's Puck vs Violet... who am I kidding, it's basically America all the way.
Casting Iaguz vs Nestea G1 WCS AM Challenger
Nestea believes in the power of the Muta like some people believe in a thing called love.
Casting Lone Star Clash 3
That's the beauty of working for a company that went bankrupt, I can't be fired! I'm already unemployed!
Stephano vs Petreaus ZvZ - Lone Star Clash 3
I don't think this PC can handle this many free units.
Team WCS America vs Team WCS Europe 3v3 showmatch
In the past I haven't played a lot of 3v3 games but, it's surprisingly fun when Revival and Taeja are your teammates. The only bad thing is, you can never really blame them, cause when you lose it's probably because you're the weakest link.
Casting WCS America Ro8 - Arthur vs Oz
This is PvP in all its glory guys - We have proxy DTs against a proxy Stargate.
On timings - casting Puck vs Hyun during the WCS America Ro16
I always say, better late than never, but never late is better.
Casting WCS
The cheesiest thing a macro player can do is pretend he wants to cheese, then play a macro game.
Casting Scarlett vs Masa G3 in the WCS America Ro32
The spire is such a small building when it starts, but it has such deadly consequences.
Streaming Ladder
It's important that you play what you enjoy, not what you think is best.
Casting Happy vs Jjakji at HSC VIII
You know you're rich when you're securing a Xel'Naga Watchtower with a Mule.
Dear wins WCS S3 Finals
MrBitter: "What would you call it if someone won WCS KR, WCS S3 Finals, and then went on to win blizzcon?"

RotterdaM: "I'd probably call it a Dear if he does it."
Casting WCS America S3 Ro32 Group B
Jaedong is the king of Mindgames in ZvZ. He rolls the dice but he always wins. If I'm ever in Vegas with Jaedong I'm playing craps all day.
Casting Innovation vs Taeja - WCS S2 Global Finals
Innovation holds again - he should have died like 9 times, every cat would be dead by now!
Casting PandaTank vs Stephano - Home Story Cup VII Day2
Going immortal all-in without your immortals is usually not a good thing to do.
Casting Alive vs Revival G3 - WCS 'MMURICA Finals
We all know what always happens right before Zergs wait for Ultralisks Ben, they somehow lose 3 bases.
Pickup lines on Rotterdam's replay hour (~1:07:25)
If you ever know a girl who's into bad boys you go to her and say: I heard you like bad boys? I play PvT Nexus first, no scout.
Rotti on twitter during Eve (P) vs Aphrodite (T), Azubu vs StarTale, GSTL 2013 Pre-season
Found the woman of my dreams. Attractive female playing sc2 going for the void ray all in. Just MARRY ME already.
Team Acer Grilled interview (~8:22)
Most Grand Master league players know more about the game than any caster.
Casting Bly vs Mana - DHW12
First world Zerg problems: my injects are too good, I can't transfuse.
Heard for the first time during HSC5 (Jul 2012) but also partially busted during Taeja vs MC NASLS4 (Oct 2012)
There ain't no party like a Protoss party, everybody knows that. I once hung out with a few Zergs, worst night of my life.
Casting NASL S4 Qualifiers
If I had to be religious I'd believe in roaches.
Casting Huk vs Suppy G1 SC2WCS NA Finals at MLG Raleigh
Crouching probe, hidden pylon.
Nerchio rolling 4 terrans at NASL-KOTH
From now on I'll be calling this "Nerchio's ZvT practice for money".
In stream chat after losing a few PvZs
Let's just say I get more girls than I beat Zerg.
DTs are out, casting NASL S3 Week 8 Division 3
I think it's one of the most beautiful moments in the game when Zerg has no detection.
Rotti goes to Vegas, Casting NASL S3, Apr 2012
I went to Vegas and I brought quite a bit of money to buy a nice watch. I came back with no money and no watch.
Casting IEM Kiev, Jan 2012
When you wonder how to kill something the answer is always 4 gate.
Any caster who says that being a caster is harder than a player is full of !
Casting HSC5, Jul 2012
If you try to play safe against everything, you will eventually end up a little bit behind against everything.
Casting SC2WCS Ukraine/Russia 2012
Slivko is a beast in many aspects of life, not only Starcraft.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa