When asked if worried about having a tougher time than previous years after advancing to the Ro8 of the Lone Star Clash 3
It boosts my confidence to know that I'm beating full-time players being retired, I don't see any reasons to feel worried about my level right now.
Stephano makes into WCS Europe Premier Season 2 with an excellent display of SwarmHost play
I don't know such thing called Honor. Premier League, here I am!
Starcraft is a cruel world. It tightens my heart to know so many people invest up to 8 hours everyday to earn scrap. That's passion!
On playing his SwarmHost Style
Usually I have a cup of tea and my algebra book next to me if the games get to that point where I don't attack, neither my opponent.
Studying is no different from gaming to me. Haven't left home for 6 days now.
When I'm angry, I just log on SC2, search a game until a find a protoss and I ruin his life by being the biggest bitch on earth.
Stephano retires from pro-gaming - farewell tweet
Here ends a legend. It has been a great experience. I hope you won't forget me and I'll never forget what you and Starcraft did to me. Bye.
Widow mines backfire - Stephano vs ForGG, WCS EU Ro4
I wanted to kill his marines and he made it even better. He put his marines into the medivacs and killed himself. Thanks, I guess.
Post WCS Ro16 Team Acer interview
I don't like practicing against a specific player because I practice against his specific style and not against the race. When you play ladder you meet many different styles so you can be good against everything.
Interviewed on stage after beating Grubby in Group D - IEM World Championship (Hanover)
Thinking about the game and understanding the game is better than practicing a lot stupidly.
Stephano interviewed after his GSL Up&Down matches (~1:10)
I think I would play worse without my hair, it's part of my strength.
Stephano keeps trolling everyone and is the Lone Star Clash 2 champion (quote from interview after beating Crank)
It's easy. I've always said Zerg is the best race and it remains that way. (...) It's way way imba.
Stephano is the SC2WCS EU Champion 2012
SeltzerPlease: "so what does this mean for you?"
Stephano: "more money to the bank, I guess."
Stephano drops only 1 map on his way to the winners finals - SC2WCS EU 2012
RedEye: "what about the EG Curse?"
Stephano: "it's bullshit."
Stephano on the MLG extended series rule, Lo3 E124
I don't mind the extended series as I am usually the one who's coming from the winners bracket.
Stephano wins NASL S3
Stephano's back.
Stephano on his drunken shenanigans, GD Couch DreamHack Summer 2012
They can't really punish me, 'cause I am the best.
Pre-game interview Stephano vs Parting, RedBull Battlegrounds (Austin)
Day9: 'What are your predictions for this match?'
Stephano: 'Stupid question.'
On Live On Three E108
They keep saying I am not the best but I keep winning more money.
Streaming ladder
Don't copy all of my builds, 4 evochambers is a really bad idea.
After winning IPL showmatch vs WhiteRa, Mar 2012
I don't think about it, I just know what to do and when to do it.
Hatch in the middle of the map with spines, Home Story Cup IV, Jan 2012
It's like planetary fortress.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa