TL interview (0m5s) at MLG Anaheim
I have a secret to tell you: I search TOD every day on Team Liquid.
Casting MLG Anaheim
It's like Deja Vu all over again. That's how you say it. Cuz I'm french.
Casting HSC IX
Destiny: "I think I'm the best zerg in the midwest."

ToD: "I'm not even sure you're the best zerg in your own building."
ToD introducing the WCS Europe Grand Final between MC and MMA
You can see these players be really friendly outside of the game and before it takes place, but once the game begins, there's no friendship, nothing, just winning, that's the only thing that matters.
Casting Arthur vs TooDming - WCS America Ro16
Three void rays are about to come out and make sweet love to these roaches.
As MouzVortix wins over MVP in the WCS Europe Ro16
Knock knock, who's there? Cucaracha! 10 Zerglings!
Jjakji roasting Snute's drones in the WCS Europe Ro16
Jjakji was homesick, he wanted some Korean BBQ so he made it himself!
Casting CJ HerO vs Polt - IEM Sao Paulo
This build should have a health warning: WARNING This build should not be tried on ladder.
Casting IEM Singapore
When there are more Thors than there are Zerglings, you know you are in a good position.
ToD ladder analysis
There is no such thing as a direct hardcounter that you should always lose to, there's always something to be found, something you can do.
Whining rights - On SOTG EP92 (~15:45)
When you're a player, if your race wins you're happy but if the other race wins you get the whining rights.
Socke vs Kas G5 analysis - Ro8 IEM Katowice 2013
3 is the magic number. I am not talking about relationships or intercourse, but Colossus.
On the difference between the WC3 and SC2 pro-scenes - Team Acer interview (~25:30)
You could play the same strategy for years and still be one of the best players in the world in WC3. In SC2 you can do the same strategy for two games and you're going to be crushed by one of the top players, just because he's going to completely counter you.
Casting Stephano vs Hero on youtube (~12:00)
65 drones Zerg is actually an all-in.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa