Discussing BM in SC2 compared to other eSports titles during ITG Episode 88
I don't think the BM in SC2 is bad at all. 95% of the time I get a GLHF and 30% of the time I get a GG and that's good enough for me.
Answering chat questions on stream
How do I deal with skytoss? Cry myself to sleep.
From Lo3 EP159
Terran's bullshit, just like all the other races that aren't Zerg. Actually even Zerg's bullshit when I play ZvZ.
On pylon blocks and Whirlwind and PlanetS being pylon-blockable - ITG E151 (~32:00)
Every time a triple-pylon-block happens a fucking kitten's head explodes.
Classic WHEAT (8-Feb-2012)
All I want more than anything is to work with people who give a fuck as much as I do.
djWHEAT on the sc2 'penis crisis' - ITG E51
I've had better days but at least my dick isn't on the internet
Playing StarStrikers on any given episode of KingsOfTin
Just kick the goddamn ball forward, kick it forward, kick it forward all the time!
djWHEAT upgrades pitchforks Lo3 E127 (~1:34:20)
A pitchfork is for fucking hay. A trident is for killing bitches.
Stephano goes 5-0 in his group, MLG Spring Championship 2012
Most players go to Disneyland after the tournament, Stephano went before playing and he's 3-0. That's the difference.
Interview at MLG Spring Arena #1
Suddenly Tasteless and Artosis start wearing ties in GSL and they bring that shit to MLG... I think the ties are bullshit.
The greatest disappointment in SC2, on ITG#33
I don't think that the cup size of Sarah Kerrigan was properly represented from BroodWar.
On mTw dropping SunCow, Jan 2012
What I learned today is that you can't play Starcraft 2 so good from jail.
On twitter during Dimaga vs JYP at Home Story Cup IV, Jan 2012
Archon Toilet... it fucks shit up.
Apollo | Artosis | Day9 | Grubby | Idra | iNcontroL | MC | MarineKing | Tasteless | Thorzain | TLO | WhiteRa